Covid Support Payment available for businesses during the Omicron outbreak.
The Government has announced a new targeted funding for businesses struggling with revenue during the current Omicron outbreak.
Here’s all the details:
When is this available?
Applications for the first payment open on Monday 28th of February, with payments starting from March 1.
What does it look like?
There will be 3 payments in total, available on a fortnightly basis (depending on the length of the Omicron outbreak this may be extended).
Each Covid Support Payment will be $4000 per business, plus $400 per full-time employee (up to 50 employees).
Who is eligible?
To get the first payment, eligible businesses must show their income is 40% lower in a 7-day period any time from February 16, compared to a typical week between 5 January 2022 and 15 February 2022.
For the second and third payments, the dates where your income needs to be lower are still to be decided.
Find more details here:
Need more info? Get in touch with us and we can help you and your business specifically.
Phone: 06 833 6295